Bug Sweeps / Eavesdropping Detection – Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM)

Exposures and uncertainty diminish your sense of security in the places where you should feel most secure.

We utilize state-of-the-art devices to perform frequency spectrum analysis and other technical searches. These search techniques cover the entire usable frequency spectrum and can even find bugs that are inactive or turned off. In addition, the area will be physically inspected thoroughly to detect covert devices. Our technician is a highly trained specialist and a retired FBI Agent with 27 years of training and experience. He has substantial  experience in electronic surveillance to include technical surveillance countermeasures,  basic computer networking and GPS tracking.

DON’T LET LINGERING DOUBT GO UNCHECKED! How do they know what you said in your home and they weren’t there? How did they know you were out? Hidden wire taps, Hidden cameras and GPS trackers.

LET US HELP YOU!! Call for your appointment

NC Countermeasures License number: 355132-CI